Frequently Asked Questions


Addiction is a disease of isolation and our program is designed to end that isolation through our therapeutic community residential model, spiritual growth and biblical participation. 

Travis House uses the IRP(Intensive Residential Program) Model. Our model of therapeutic community, spiritual life growth and biblical participation allows our clients to end the dark days of isolation and despair and guide them through planned and structured phases, in their successful re-entry as a productive, supportive member of their family and community. 

The Program Summary is an overview of how the program works and includes all our Rules and Policies. All clients are responsible for adhering to these rules and policies. They are responsible to read and agree to this document before applying:  Download the Program Summary

Client agrees to pay a weekly program fee, paid in advance. Included in this program fee is housing while actively participating in IRP. 

If qualified, housing assistance payments from any outside funding source will be credited to the account when received. 

Many clients come directly from in-patient care, others from the correctional system, while others come directly from a home living environment. To participate in our program, persons must provide clean urine screens and have to have been medically or otherwise detoxified. This decision to stop the use is the first major decision that must be made.  Throughout the program the decision must continually be made one day at a time. Our program requires abstinence of drug and alcohol use and a parallel termination of all non-drug related compulsive behaviors.

Phase One is the Orientation Phase and takes 2-4 weeks. Phase Two is the Work Phase and lasts 3 -6 Months. Phase Three is a longer Extended Residential Program and can be an additional 3-6 months, depending on the willing recipients progress and ability to recover. Most residents stay approximately 6 to 9 months. 

Visitors are allowed in the common areas if preapproved at a community meeting.

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